Am I a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?


Am I a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?


We can all agree that the female form is something to be celebrated, whatever size or shape it is. However, some silhouettes are certainly more popular than others and at the moment, large, curvy butts are most certainly considered one of the most attractive features a female can flaunt. Unfortunately, we aren’t all blessed with a super-sized behind and a rounder, perkier and more defined booty is on the wish list of many women who may feel that they are lacking in curves in this part of their body. This has helped make the Brazilian Butt Lift one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures of the decade.

The goal of a Brazilian Butt Lift is to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks so that the patient can enjoy a round, full and confidence-boosting bottom. This is done using a straightforward process known as fat transfer surgery. This involves removing excess fat from an area of the patient’s own body, purifying it and then injecting it back into their buttocks. Once the fat has settled, the patient can enjoy a bumper booty that surpasses even their expectations and gives them fresh, new confidence in their appearance. However, this doesn’t mean that a Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is right for everyone.

What makes a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Someone who is a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift can say ‘yes’ to the following statements.

-         You are unhappy with the size and shape of your buttocks and would like to enhance its appearance by making it larger, rounder and more defined.


-         You are at a stable weight that you are happy with and do not intend on gaining or losing any significant amounts. Doing so will almost certainly change the appearance of your booty and could reverse the effects of your procedure.


-         You are in good overall health and are at very low risk of complications. You should also be able to tolerate general anesthetic well. Your suitability for surgery will be assessed by your cosmetic surgeon.


-         You don’t smoke or are prepared to quit smoking for at least two weeks before and two weeks after surgery, longer if possible. This is because smoking can increase your risk of complications and slow down the healing process.


-         You are happy to avoid drinking alcohol for at least two weeks either side of your Brazilian Butt Lift surgery.


-         You don’t have excessive sagging skin around the buttocks. If so, this may need to be removed before you can be approved as a candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure.


-         Your surgeon believes that you have enough good fat in a suitable location to make the transfer process appropriate and successful. Since the process requires the fat that is taken to be processed and purified, it is necessary for your surgeon to take anywhere between three and four times the amount of fat that will actually be injected back into your buttocks.


-         You are realistic in your expectations for the results of your procedure.



If you are interested in learning more about Brazilian Butt Lift surgery, or if you would like to discover if you are a suitable candidate for this popular procedure, our discreet and friendly team would be happy to help. Get in touch today.