Fat Transfer: How to Prepare and Recovery Tips

Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or fat injections, is the name of a surgical process in which fat is transferred from one area of the body to another. This is done with the intention of making physical improvements to the area where the fat is injected. The area that fat is taken from is usually somewhere with a good amount of unwanted fat cells, such as the thighs, hips or abdomen. In most instances, fat transfer procedures see the fat removed via a procedure similar to liposuction, purified and then re-inserted via injection into the breasts, face or buttocks.
As with any surgical procedure, knowing how to prepare and what to expect from your recovery can be very beneficial in helping to reduce any pre-operative anxiety and ensuring that your entire procedure goes smoothly from start to finish.
How to Prepare For Your Fat Transfer Procedure
There are a few important things that your surgeon will recommend that you do ahead of your fat transfer procedure. This is to help reduce your risk of complications, keep you comfortable and ensure that you get the best overall result from your treatment. They will include:
Stop smoking
Even if you can’t quit for good, you should stop smoking for at least six weeks before and after any medical procedure, including fat transfer. This is because smoking has been proven to compromise various body processes, including healing. This means that it may take significantly longer for your body to recover than it would if you were a non-smoker. Smoking also increases your risk of complications such as infection and bleeding.
Make sure you are happy with your weight
Fat transfer is not a weight loss solution. The area where fat is being taken from may be larger than you would like and removing the fat and recontouring the area will help to improve its appearance. Meanwhile, injecting fat into the body will enlarge and improve the target area. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that any significant fluctuations in weight could cause your shape to change and this can have an effect on the results of your procedure. For example, losing weight when you have had fat transferred into your breasts could cause them to lose volume and shape. The results of your procedure will be much better maintained by staying at a steady weight.
Follow pre-op instructions
Before you can be approved for a fat transfer procedure, you will first have attended a consultation appointment to check your general health as well as your reasons for undergoing this treatment. During this appointment, your doctor may have identified that there are certain medications that you are taking that are unsuitable for use just before, during and after your fat transfer. You may be advised to stop these or switch to an alternative drug ahead of your surgery. To ensure the safety of your procedure, you should be sure to follow all pre-op instructions, especially those relating to medications.
Recovery Tips After Fat Transfer
Although fat transfer procedures are minimally invasive compared to many other forms of cosmetic surgery, you should still bear in mind that you will be recovering from two procedures at one – liposuction to remove the original fat, and injections to place it back into the desired area of your body. That said, recovery from a fat transfer procedure is usually fairly straightforward. Here are our top tips for making it as smooth as possible.
You will be in some discomfort. Make sure to take your pain relief as directed to ensure that you aren’t suffering unnecessarily. Being in pain can also slow down healing, so take your medication to achieve a quicker recovery.
Keep pressure off of the treated area. Some of the fat injected back into your body will be automatically reabsorbed, and this can’t be avoided. However, for the best result, you should try and keep pressure off of the area you have had treated for at least the first two weeks. Your surgeon will be able to advise you on the best ways to do this.
Don’t start rushing around. You will be told what while moving around is important, you shouldn’t participate in anything other than basic day to day movements for at least the first few weeks. Fat-burning exercise is off the cards for at least two months.
Follow the post-operative instructions given to you by your surgeon – they know best!
If you would like more information about fat transfer procedures, including how to prepare and tips for recovery, please contact LoTempio Plastic Surgery for Women in New York, NY where our discreet and knowledgeable team are waiting to assist you (347) 434-8600.