When I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 35 and pregnant. I thought my world had come to an end. Especially when they told me I had to have a left Mastectomy. Going through Chemo while pregnant, losing my hair and breast all at the same time, was the worst thing I had ever gone through in my life. I could not even look at myself in the mirror.
Thankfully I was blessed with a beautiful healthy baby boy. While on maternity leave I had time to research all different types of reconstructive surgeries. I had heard horror stories of the tram flap and knew I did not want that type of operation where they took my muscle out of my abdomen. I finally read a miracle type of surgery that was called the "DIEP Free Flap" Thankfully the surgeon who met with me was only 2 hours away from my home. When I first met Dr. LoTempio, her story brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful, beautiful, strong woman. All I could think in my head was this is my "Miracle Worker" There are so many doctors out there that don't care, but Dr. LoTempio cares about her patients. I always felt safe with her. My first surgery was scheduled in New Orleans, and I thought it was going to be a nightmare with transportation and stressful. It was a breeze! Omega hospital where the surgery was performed is like a 5-star hotel. The staff was amazing! Dr. LoTempio was there by my side the entire time. My first surgery was the DIEP flap and lymph node transfer to relieve the lymphedema in my arm. I was kept comfortable the entire time. Never was I in agonizing pain. I had a total of 4 surgeries, with 1 surgery there were complications and I got a horrible infection. There again Dr. LoTempio was by my side. She almost felt like a family member to me. With all this being said and done, I can finally look in the mirror with confidence! I can wear clothes that make me feel good again. She is a true definition of a God Send. I would recommend her to my mother, sister or anyone I care about.